Programme Saturday 1st July

After the great pre-opening event which saw the projection of the docu-film Motori-Ruggenti, Saturday 1st July will be the official opening of the 18th season of the ShorTS International Film Festival. This morning at 9am will be the 24hour comic competition at the Castello San Giusto, a tour de force consisting of the making of comic panels based on a specific given screenplay and the resulting animations will become a short film and will be presented during the festival.

In the Mediateca in Via Roma the workshop for youngsters L’Armata degli Scarti Viventi held by the director Francesco Filippi will take place: children between the ages of 10 and 14 years old will create new creatures using the stop-motion animation technique, bringing them to life, making them express emotions and creating big and small adventures for them.

In Piazza Verdi at 8:30pm, the official inauguration of the festival will take place starting with the projection of LE SVENTURE DEL SIG. Mo-Ki-Tó, by Jorge Demarco, with Gustavo Vallejos: sig. Mo-Ki-Tó immersed in the innocence, tenderness and willingness to explore human relationships, confronting this with those who he meets on his journey.

To follow will be the line-up of short films from the Maremetraggio section:

Samedi Cinema by Mamadou Dia (SN, 2016, 11’) in which Baba and Sembene, two youngsters and avid cinema lovers living in a small town North of Senegal, desperately want to see a movie on a big screen of their local cinema before it closes its doors forever;

Below 0° by Itai Hagage, Jonathan Gomez (CR, 2016, 5’), animated film where a meteorologist, through a voice recording, tells us about his experiences in the Arctic and how for his whole life he has been psychologically and spiritually connected to nature;

The Other side of Dooman River by Sewoong Bae (ROK, 2016, 20’) in which two North Korean soldiers are on the Dooman River. While one of the two is far away, the other goes and hides along the river. There he meets a family who give him their life savings to ensure their escape from the country;

#selfie by David M. Lorenz (D, 2016, 7’) with a young couple on holiday in Berlin: everything is perfect, until he decides to take a selfie… The end of a relationship as seen through a mobile phone.

Suspendu by Elie Grappe (CH, 2015, 15’) takes us to a classic dance school, where a boy falls during a test, injuring his foot. But it’s the day of his exam and the boy refuses to concede; he tries to match his dance partner and his classmates, convincing them that his body has no limits.

Disco by Boris Seewald (D, 2016, 2’) is a hand-made music video putting together around 1250 paper drawings.

Ingrid & the Black Hole by Leah Johnston (CDN, 2016, 7’) presents the protagonists’ Ingrid and her best friend Conrad who revisit memories of an entire past life, together imagining howit would be to travel through a black hole.

Parent, Teacher by Roman Tchjen (CDN, 2015, 12’) takes us into the world of parents: after his son gets into a fight with another student, a father becomes involved in an impassioned debate with the boys teacher.

Vand  by Philipp Andonie (CH, 2016, 1’) sees a Scandinavian fisherman who looks for tranquillity out on the lake.

Cavello by Sven Bresser (NL, 2016, 20’) has Kai and Thomas as its main characters, in-separable friends in their 20’s. Their bond is strong, until a new classmate catches Thomas’ eye.

Life Journey by Sajedur Rahman (BD, 2016, 2’), every life has its own journey, every journey has its own story. It’s time to read between the lines.

Penalty  by Aldo Iuliano (I, 2016, 14’) sees a group of youngsters playing chess in the middle of nowhere. There’s much more than a simple victory in the balance.

Centauro by Nicolás Suárez (RA, 2016, 14’) is a political Western set between the palm trees and the antennae of the Argentine Pampas.

Alone with everybody  by André Viuvens (P, 2016, 2’) is an interpretation of the poem Alone with Everybody by Charles Bukowski.

At the Cinema Ariston at 20:00 the first film from the homage to cinematic documentary of D’Anolfi and Parenti will be projected. With I PROMESSI SPOSI (I, 2007, 73’) the couple recount the destinies and the stories of some people on the days preceding their weddings: couples about to get married, employees of matrimonial offices of the Italian communes and a provincial priest.

As always to follow we’ll be at the Cinema Ariston, from 9:30pm to start the line-up for the Nuove Impronte Section with the documentary by Alessandro Stevanon, SAGRE BALERE (I, 2017, 75’). The story of Omar and his orchestra told during their tour, between parties in squares and dance halls, across the regions and provinces of the North of Italy. A road movie narrated by the voices of the most famous Italian radio hosts dedicated to the world of dance music and Angelo, the last king of this phantasmagorical world.

Press Kit 2017

Comunicato stampa EstEnergy Hera Comm AcegasApsAmga

Comunicato stampa Bakel

Comunicato stampa Studio Universal

Comunicato stampa SNCCI (Sindacato Nazionale Critici Cinematografici Italiani)

Comunicato stampa ANAC 

Comunicato stampa Mercurius Prize

Comunicato stampa Cinemazero – Zerorchestra

Comunicato stampa It’s watch

Spira mirabilis

Massimo D’Anolfi, Martina Parenti

Italia / Italy 2016, DVCpro HD, 121’


La terra: le statue del Duomo di Milano sottoposte a una continua rigenerazione. L’acqua: Shin Kubota, uno scienziato cantante giapponese che studia la Turritopsis, una piccola medusa immortale. L’aria: Felix Rohner e Sabina Schärer, una coppia di musicisti inventori di strumenti/scultura in metallo. Il fuoco: Leola One Feather e Moses Brings Plenty, una donna sacra e un capo spirituale, e la loro piccola comunità lakota da secoli resistenti a una società che li vuole annientare. L’etere: Marina Vlady che, dentro un cinema fantasma, ci accompagna nel viaggio narrando L’immortale di Borges.

Earth: the statue of the Dome of Milan is subject to continuous regeneration. Water: Shin Kubota, a Japanese singer/scientist who studies Turritopsis, a small immortal Medusa. Air: Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer, a couple of musicians who invent metal instruments and sculptures. Fire: Leola One Feather and Moses Brings Plenty, a sacred woman and a spiritual leader, and their little lakota community, resistent for centuries to a society that wants to wipe them out. Heavens: Marina Vlady, who inside a spiritual cinema,, accompanies us on a trip whilst narrating L’immortale of Borges.

fotografia / cinematographer

Massimo D’Anolfi

montaggio / editing

Massimo D’Anolfi, Martina Parenti

musica / music

Massimo Mariani


Marina Vlady, Leola One Feather, Felix Rohner, Sabina Schärer, Shin Kubota, Joe, Coco, Brett Brings Plenty, Friederike Haslbeck, Moses Brings Plenty

genere / genre

Documentario / Documentary

produzione / production

Montmorency Film, Lomotion, Rai Cinema

distribuzione / distribution

I Wonder Pictures

L’infinita fabbrica del Duomo

Massimo D’Anolfi, Martina Parenti

Italia / Italy 2015, DCP, 74’


L’infinita fabbrica del Duomo racconta la storia della nascita e del continuo mantenimento del Duomo di Milano attraverso i secoli. Primo atto della quadrilogia Spira mirabilis che affronta il concetto di immortalità attraverso gli elementi della natura, L’infinita fabbrica del Duomo rappresenta l’elemento della terra. Attraverso una prospettiva poetica e dal forte impatto visivo, il film segue le fasi e i lavori che la conservazione del Duomo richiede: dall’estrazione del marmo, al cantiere dei marmisti, all’Archivio storico, alla Cattedrale stessa. Marmisti, muratori, carpentieri, fabbri, restauratori, orafi: questa straordinaria ma costante concentrazione di attività è filmata alla luce della sacralità di un monumento che vive di tempi, ritmi, calendari, aspirazioni che si fondono e trascendono il lavoro umano e assume così un nuovo valore simbolico.

L’infinita fabbrica del Duomo tells the story of the birth and the ongoing maintenance of the Milan Cathedral through the centuries. First act of the tetralogy Spira mirabilis which deals with the concept of immortality through the elements of nature, L’infinita fabbrica del Duomo represents the element of the earth. Through a poetic perspective and a strong visual impact, the film follows the stages and the work that the preservation of the Cathedral requires: from the extraction of marble, to the marble yard, the Historical Archives, the Cathedral itself. Stonemasons, bricklayers, carpenters, blacksmiths, restorers, goldsmiths: this extraordinary, but steady, concentration of activity is filmed in relation with the sanctity of a monument that lives times, rhythms, calendars, aspirations that transcend the human labor and takes a new symbolic value.

fotografia / cinematographer

Massimo D’Anolfi

montaggio / editing

Massimo D’Anolfi, Martina Parenti

musica / music

Massimo Mariani

suono / sound

Martina Parenti

genere / genre

Documentario / Documentary

produzione / production

Montmorency Film, Rai Cinema

distribuzione / distribution

Lab 80 Film


Materia oscura

Massimo D’Anolfi, Martina Parenti

Italia / Italy 2013, DVCpro HD, 80’


Materia oscura racconta un luogo di guerra in tempo di pace. Lo spazio del film è il Poligono Sperimentale del Salto di Quirra, regione della Sardegna compresa tra le province di Cagliari e Nuoro, dove per oltre cinquant’anni i governi di tutto il mondo hanno testato “armi nuove” e dove il governo italiano ha fatto brillare i vecchi arsenali militari compromettendo inesorabilmente il territorio. All’interno di questo spazio il film compone tre movimenti. Il primo movimento segue l’indagine di un geologo che tenta di rintracciare l’inquinamento causato dalle sperimentazioni militari. Il secondo movimento mostra una ricerca attraverso gli archivi cinematografici del poligono che hanno visto protagonisti le armi e gli esplosivi di tutto il mondo. La terza e ultima parte racconta il lavoro di due allevatori, un padre e un figlio, e del loro rapporto con la terra, gli animali e con un passato profondamente segnato dall’attività bellica.

Materia oscura tells the story of a war zone in peacetime. The film location is the Salto di Quirra test range, between the provinces of Cagliari and Nuoro (Sardinia) where, for over fifty years, governments around the world have tested “new weapons” and where the Italian government has carried out controlled explosions of old weapon stocks, inexorably endangering the territory. Within this context the film comprises three movements. The first movement follows the investigation of a geologist who attempts to trace the pollution caused by military experiments. The second movement focuses on the search through the film archives of the test range whose main characters have been weapons and explosives from throughout the world. The third and last part describes the work of two farmers, father and son, and their relationship with the land, animals, and with a past deeply affected by military activities.

fotografia / cinematographer

Massimo D’Anolfi

montaggio / editing

Massimo D’Anolfi, Martina Parenti

musica / music

Massimo Mariani

suono / sound

Martina Parenti

genere / genre

Documentario / Documentary

produzione / production

Montmorency Film, Rai Cinema



Il castello

Massimo D’Anolfi, Martina Parenti

Italia / Italy 2011, DVCpro HD, 90’


Il castello è un film che racconta un anno dentro l’aeroporto intercontinentale di Malpensa, un luogo in cui la burocrazia, le procedure e il controllo mettono a dura prova la libertà degli individui, degli animali e delle merci che da lì transitano. L’aeroporto è un luogo strategico in cui si concentrano tutte le forze dell’ordine esistenti in un paese. Qui si sperimentano le nuove forme del controllo: un laboratorio permanente sulla sicurezza come nessun altro spazio pubblico riesce ad essere. Servizi Segreti italiani e stranieri, Polizia di Frontiera, Guardia di Finanza, Guardie giurate, cani anti droga, anti valuta e anti esplosivo, telecamere ovunque e la paura sempre alimentata di un pericolo sconosciuto in arrivo. Osservando la vita dell’aeroporto componiamo, in quattro movimenti, il ritratto di una frontiera.

Il castello is a movie about one year inside Malpensa intercontinental airport, a place where bureaucracy, procedures and control put a serious strain on the freedom of individuals, animals and goods passing through. The airport is a strategic place where all law enforcement agencies of a country come together. Here’s where new control measures are tested: a permanent security testing area unlike any other public place. Italian and foreign secret services, customs police, financial police, security guards, sniffer dogs, currency dogs and explosive detector dogs, closed circuit television cameras everywhere and the ever-growing fear of an impending unknown danger. By watching the airport life we put together a portrait of a customs border in four movements. The castle is a choral film, at times dramatic, at times ironic, at times thoughtful, which moves through symbolic situations through the four seasons.

fotografia / cinematographer

Massimo D’Anolfi

montaggio / editing

Massimo D’Anolfi, Martina Parenti

musica / music

Massimo Mariani

suono / sound

Sebastian Castro Miranda

genere / genre

Documentario / Documentary

produzione / production

Montmorency Film, Rai Cinema

distribuzione / distribution





Grandi speranze

Massimo D’Anolfi, Martina Parenti

Italia / Italy 2009, DVCpro HD, 77’


Antonio Ambrosetti, con il suo esclusivo corso di formazione Leader del futuro; Federico Morgantini, alle prese con le proprie ambizioni imprenditoriali; Matteo Storchi, manager di successo nell’azienda di famiglia. Questi sono i protagonisti di Grandi speranze, film documentario che racconta l’Italia dei giovani imprenditori. Un percorso nei luoghi e nei tempi della futura classe dirigente che si va formando. Chi insegna a giovani privilegiati come mantenere il potere attraverso frasi, modelli ed esperienze; chi, trasferitosi a Shanghai, insegue il sogno di aprire una fabbrica di acqua minerale gassata; chi, durante interminabili riunioni, impone ostinatamente un metodo di lavoro occidentale a impassibili impiegati cinesi. Tre episodi, tre dispositivi di messa in scena per raccontare i nostri protagonisti in un momento cruciale della loro esistenza: quello in cui il rischio dell’azione non è ancora garantito dalla sua riuscita. Tra destini già scritti, sete di successo facile e invasioni economiche, la commedia umana ci accompagna in un viaggio dall’Italia alla Cina sempre in bilico tra grandi speranze e cattivi pensieri.

Antonio Ambrosetti, with his exclusive training course Leader del futuro; Federico Morgantini, trying to fulfil his ambitions as an entrepreneur; Matteo Storchi, a successful manager in his family business. These are the protagonists of Grandi speranze, a documentary film about Italy’s young entrepreneurs. A journey through the places and times of the future managerial class now being shaped. One of them teaches privileged young people how to hold onto power using expressions, models and experiences; one of them, who has relocated to Shanghai, is following his dream of opening a sparkling mineral water plant; one of them, during endless meetings, obstinately imposes a western work method on blank-faced Chinese employees. Three episodes, three staging devices, to portray our protagonists at a crucial time in their lives: when the risk they are taking is not yet guaranteed to succeed. Marked by destinies already set, a thirst for easy success and economic invasions, the human comedy accompanies us on a journey from Italy to China, poised between great expectations and misgivings.

fotografia, montaggio, suono / cinematographer, editing, sound

Massimo D’Anolfi, Martina Parenti

musica / music

Massimo Mariani

genere / genre

Documentario / Documentary

produzione / production

Montmorency Film, Rai Cinema




I promessi sposi

Massimo D’Anolfi, Martina Parenti

Italia / Italy 2007, MiniDV, 73’

I promessi sposi è un documentario commedia in cui s’incrociano i destini e le storie di alcune persone alle prese con il periodo che precede il giorno del matrimonio. I protagonisti sono le coppie in procinto di sposarsi, gli impiegati degli uffici matrimoniali dei comuni italiani e un prete di provincia. Ognuno di loro ci restituisce un aspetto del matrimonio: gli uffici, grazie alla molteplicità dei luoghi e alla varietà delle persone, ci raccontano le sfumature di un paese che attraverso il matrimonio si mescola, si consolida, muta e inevitabilmente pone le basi per il suo futuro; mentre le lezioni del corso prematrimoniale di Don Emilio Lonzi educano i credenti alla sacralità del matrimonio, mescolando fede e scienza, liturgia penitenziale e aspetti legali, sacramenti e sessualità. L’accostamento di questi due aspetti del matrimonio rivela degli individui che, malgrado la ricchezza e le specificità delle situazioni, dei volti, delle espressioni, delle richieste, delle convinzioni, rimarranno sempre persi tra le regole dello Stato e i dogmi della Chiesa.

I promessi sposi is a documentary-comedy. In the film cross together the destiny and the story of people busy with the period that precedes the wedding day. The couples on the point of marriage, the employees of the Italian wedding offices and a provincial priest. All of them are protagonists of the film. All of them gives back a fundamental aspect of the marriage. Thanks to the people and the places variety, the wedding offices reveal aspects of a country that, in virtue of the marriage, mixes, changes, grows and founds its future. On the other side in Don Emilio’s catholic pre-matrimonial course, the lessons educate the believers to the holy marriage mixing faith and science, penance and law, sacraments and sex. The matching of these two aspects reveals individuals that. in spite of situations, faces, expressions, requests and certainties, will be forever lost between the State’s rules and the Church’s dogmas.

sceneggiatura, fotografia, montaggio, suono / screenplay, cinematographer, editing, sound

Massimo D’Anolfi, Martina Parenti

musica / music

Massimo Mariani

genere / genre

Documentario / Documentary

produzione / production

Suttvuess Soc. Coop.




Official Presentation of Shorts International Film Festival 2017


TRIESTE 1 – 8 JULY 2017

Cinema, Workshops, Special Events, Meetings, Cinematic Walks



ShorTs international Film Festival, will take place in Trieste from the 1st to the 8th July 2017, presided over by Chiara Valenti Omero. Each year the festival welcomes and presents to Trieste the best short films produced around the world and their writers, along with feature film works from emerging Italian writers, meetings and debates based around the seventh art, formative workshops for adults and youngsters, special initiatives of public sensitization based around the themes of actuality, initiatives and special events.



Shorts has reached 18 years and in its old age it has also registered record numbers of entrants never previously reached in the history of the festival: the submissions have reached the exorbitant quota of 4318 short films which have come from 123 countries around the world. The increase of submissions is down to the increased visibility of the festival, through new initiatives and presentations, but also a celebrated history in which we have seen renovation and research, two of our strongest attrributes.

When it comes to the renovation the president Chiara Valenti Omero has decided to give way and responsibility to a young group that have worked for some time in the organizational team. The selection of short films for the line up was therefore chosen by Francesco Ruzzier who this year has brought a new lease of life to Italian productions: ‘It’s harder to encompass and represent in a single story the fragmented reality in which we are accustomed to living, but if we try to see some of these fragments in a sequence- whether they are experimental, funny, scary, animated or extremely realistic- it will be like travelling across the earth, succeeding in this way, to get to know it a bit better: this is what I wish to put across, even just a small amount, in this selection of ShorTS International Film Festival.’




In this 18th season a panel of artists, cinema professionals, writers and film critics of great renown have been called upon to judge the short and feature films. The names of the jury for the various sections are as follows….


Maremetraggio: Charlotte Micklewright (Encounters Festival, UK), Jacopo Chessa (Director of the Centro Nazionale del Cortometraggio), Pivio (film composer), Cristina Picchi (director and visual artist), Marco Spagnoli (film critic, director and screenwriter)


Nuove Impronte: Alessandro D’Alatri (director), Alessio Vassallo (actor), Daniela Virgilio (actress) Luciano Sovena (President of the Roma Lazio Film Commission), Manuela Mandler (producer)


The jury for the SNCCI Award is comprised of the critics Adriano De Grandis, Simone Emiliani and Marianna Cappi.


The jury for the AGICI Award is represented by the producer Marina Marzotto, while the ANAC Award will be assigned by the director and screenwriter Francesco Martinotti.







Overall we have 91 short films in the line-up for the Maremetraggio section, 18 of which are Italian, a good 7 more than in 2016. Amongst the selected titles many are animated shorts, the type which are good for the re-interpretation of realities that can be difficult to express in other formats. If there is a global theme that can be best applied to the dosier of works which have come to Trieste this year, it would have to be that of borders. We see this manifested in works from Europe to Asia, across the border, and all the way back in the work of many directors.

Our final selections come from a total of 33 different countries: Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgio, Canada, Cina, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy, South Korea, Malaysia, Holland, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Great Britain, The United States and Venezuela.

We see many titles in the line-up that have already received recognition, from Time Code by Juanjo Gimenez (Spain) winner of the Palme D’Or at Cannes and Oscar candidate for the best Short film, to The Bridge over the River by Jadwiga Kowalska (Switzerland) winner of the Pardino D’Oro for Best Swiss Short Film at Locaro, or Semele by Myrsini Aristidou (Cyprus) winner of the Generation Kylus Jury Prize for best Short Film at the Berlinae. Then there is also Samedi Cinema by Maradou Dia (Senegal) presented at Venice73 and Toronto, Metube 2- August Sings Carmina Burana by Daniel Moshel (Austria) presented at the Sundance Film Festival, Ascenao by pedro Peralta (Portugal) presented at the Semaine de la Critique of Cannes, Valparaiso by Carlo Siron (Italy) presented at Locarno and winner of ‘Pardi di Domani- The film und Video Untertitelung’, or Balcony by Toby Fell-Holden (UK) presented at the Berlinale and winner of Generation 14plus- Best Short Film.

All of the Shorts will be projected from the 1st to the 8th in Piazza Verdi starting at 9:30 pm. Remember though, that in the case of bad weather the projections will take place in Teatro Miela, at the same time.



Amongst the confirmed acknowledgements for the 2017 season there is the ESTENERGY award for the Best Short Film with a prize of 5,000 euro’s; the Makinarium Award for the best animated short and special effects, which offers studio time to the winner; the prestigious Studio Universal Award, created thanks to the renewal of the partnership between the Maremetraggio Association and Studio Universal  (Mediaset Premium on DTT)- the TV of cinema from those who do cinema- that consists of the acquisition of the Pay rights for the transmission of the best Italian short, and there is also the Award for Best Italian Editing assigned by the AMC (Associazione Montaggio Cinematografico e Televisivo- Association of Film and Television Editing), and many more.

This year we have also confirmed the TriesteCaffè Award assigned by the public who, each evening crowd Piazza Verdi. The projections in the Piazza are open to everyone.



On the evening of the 30th of June there will be a special pre-opening event with the international preview presentation of the new Disney documentary production, Motori Ruggenti, written and directed by Marco Spagnoli. This is a winning project that celebrates the all Italian passion for cars, an antique and profound liaison recounted through direct testimonies from a series of exceptional protagonists.

The documentary covers 95 years of speed through repertoire images in a crescendo of stories and testimonies, starting at the founding of the first motorway in the world in Italy, 1922.

Motori Ruggenti is a journey exploring the Italian passion for cars and the importance that this has had, not only on pop culture, but on the modernization and industrialization of our country. A long route through a century: finding our roots in an unforgettable and spectacular past created by visionaries, champions, engineers and mechanics, we see a future integrated with technology where, to dominate planning, there is design, security and respect for the environment.

The narrator of this long love story is Massimiliano Manfredi. He follows different contributors throughout the documentary: Giancarlo FisichellaIvan CapelliFabio ConcatoAlessandro D’Alatri,  Matilda De AngelisGiovanna Di RausoSabrina FerilliEdoardo LeoMaria LeitnerGianfranco MazzoniFederico PaoliniEmanuele PirroMichele RossiMatteo RoverePrisca TaruffiFabio TroianoRolando RavelloAlessandro RojaDaniele Vicari, along with historic and expert interventions of the sector, they join us in this pioneering Italian passion for cars throughout the various eras.


On the occassion of the projection of the documentary Mottori Ruggenti a little representation of the Club della Settimana dei Motori will be present in the form of an exposition of cars and motors from the époque, to welcome the event dedicated to the Italian passion for motors on behalf of the enthusiasts of Trieste. The first season of the event Settimana dei Motori took place last April thanks to the co-organization of the Assessorato Turismo of the Comune di Trieste and of the historical MotoClub Trieste 1906. It had the intention of becoming a big annual happening in the calendar of the manifestation of Trieste, thanks to the determination and passion of many Clubs from around the area. In 2018 it will take place during the week of the 8th to the 15th April, ending with the Salita dei Campioni, the re-evocation of the historical and famous uphill Trieste-Opicina races, that took place between 1911 and 1971.



Created in Trieste is a competition in which we will see a transition from paper to screen with the 24H Comic Contest; a free creative competition for artists who will be asked to illustrate 4 comic strip tables based on a screenplay that they will be assigned at some point during the organization of the festival. The screenplay will include dialogue, movement and details that the participants should utilize when designing their works, along with the necessary materials to aid the working process: pencils, card and indications on the location and the physical attributes of the characters- all technical pointers on which to base the outline of the strip.


The competition will take place on Friday the 30th June 2017 (from 10am to 10pm) and Saturday the 1st July 2017 (from 9am to 9pm) in the cornices of the Castello San Giusto. The participants will have 24 hours in total to transform the screenplay into cartoons.

The 3 best works, judged by 4 professionals renowned worldwide for their comic strips (including Stefano Disegni and Agostino Traini), will not only be published on the pages of Il Piccolo, the daily Triestine paper, but will also be edited and animated with the help of the students of I.P.S. Galvani di Trieste using the comic motion technique. They will then be projected onto the big screen on the final evenings of the ShorTS International Film Festival.

The 24H Comic Contest is organized in collaboration with Il Piccolo, the school of comics Grafite di Raimondo Pasin e Paola, Neopolis- lo spazio dell’immaginario and Elio tecno service.

 Other than the honour of publication and projection, the winners will also be awarded with supplies from our event partners, Neopolis – lo spazio dell’immaginario and Elio tecno service.



For years there has been a privileged relationship between ShorTS International Film Festival and the world of youngsters. The short films are always very much loved by this section of the public and for years the workshops and the meetings organized by the festival have always had a massive and fun following. This year ShorTS has the pleasure of hosting for the first time in Trieste, the director Francesco Filippi for a completely original project: L’ARMATA DEGLI SCARTI VIVENTI (THE ARMY OF LIVING TRASH). Construction and animation workshop for making fantastical creatures out of trash.


ShorTS’ new initiative was created in collaboration with Il Piccolo and AcegasApsAmga and invites school children to create characters from things that we throw in the bin each day: plastic, organic waste, glass. The most interesting characters out of all of those submitted to the contest will be chosen along with their creators, who can therefore participate in the stop motion animation workshop, with Francesco Filippi. The final pieces will be presented on stage and projected each evening at the festival in Piazza Verdi from Sunday the 2nd July before the official projections start.



This year ShorTS is also supporting Italian film talents by proposing a selection of documentaries and fiction, first and second works and those that are distinctive in their cinematic action.


The selection of the curator of the section Beatrice Fiorentino, this year put 7 films into the line-up: Babylonia mon amour by Pierpaolo Verdecchi (docufilm international preview) I tempi felici verranno presto by Alessandro Comodin (fiction), Sagre balere by Alessandro Stevanon (docufilm), Il più grande sogno by Michele Vannucci (fiction), Orecchie by Alessandro Aronadio (fiction), Upwelling – La risalita delle acque profonde by Pietro Pasquetti e Silvia Jop (docufilm), Cuori puri by Roberto De Paolis (fiction).



‘We believe that unusual, different and anti-conformist works are still possible and that thanks to the courage of still not widely known writers and their determination to break out onto the screen, a new era of good cinema is still conceivable,’ says journalist and critic Beatrice Fiorentino, who presides over the “Nuove Impronte section”. ‘For some years now, we have decided to award prizes to those who choose to stay outside the comfort zone of Italian Cinema, to sustain them in their fight, which is also ours, for above all, a free cinema. The 7 films in the Nuove Impronte section 2017 recount achieved and failed ideals, failures and bouncing back from failure; the characters observe an often unrecognisable reality, through radical transformations, looking to redefine boundaries; there is a lot of anger but at the same time love, there is desperation but also true solidarity, betrayal and reconciliation; there are above all, resistant men and women. And despite everything they still dare to dream.’


The goal is to help this section grow, up to the point that it becomes a point of reference for the discovery and promotion of the best Italian cinema. This year in particular Nuove Impronte is immersed in a wider discourse on the revaluation of contemporary Italian cinema along with the Homage to Anolfi and Parenti, the Prospettiva Award to Daphne Scoccia and the Conferma Award to Claudio Giovannesi.

The films will be projected each evening at the cinema Ariston starting at 9 30pm.



This year ShorTS will also support the talent of Italian cinema proposing a film, documentary and fiction selection of first and second works, unreleased or little seen, that will compete for the Herra Comm award for best film, the Bakel award for the film most voted for by the public, the Critics award as chosen by the SNCCI and the award for Best Production chosen by the AGICI. A novelty for this 18th season of the festival is the ANAC award for the best screenplay.


This year’s ShorTS International Film Festival’s Prospettiva Award goes to Daphne Scoccia, for her magnificent interpretation in Fiore by Claudio Giovannesi.

The Marchigian actress, who on the evening of the 8th June received the Ciak d’Oro award ‘Rivelazione dell’Anno’ (Revelation of the Year) will be in Trieste on the 7th July with Giovannesi (the director) to collect her Prospettiva Award.

Each year ShorTS shines the spotlight on an Italian cinema talent and through the years the foresight of the festival has kicked off the career of award winning artists. Prospettiva is a special moment, a betting on the future of young talents that are singled out each year by ShorTS. The festival started doing this many years ago with Alba Rohrwacher and has always brought luck to award winning artists: from Luca Argentero, to Luca Marinelli, from Michele Riondino all the way to Matilda De Angelis.




Claudio Giovannesi returns to Trieste to receive the CONFERMA AWARD on the behalf of the festival that spotted talent in him from a young age. The director will be in Trieste along with the actress Daphne Scoccia.



From the 1st to the 6th July the works of the documentary makers Massimo D’Anolfi and Martina Parenti will be projected at the Ariston Cinema. These works have the wide support of critics and the public from major film festivals. They will be projected in the following order:  I promessi sposi, Grandi speranze, Il castello, Materia oscura, L’infinita fabbrica del Duomo, Spira mirabilis.

The film makers will be present in Trieste throughout the week of the festival during which they will run two workshops, the first will be held at the Casa Circondariale for the participants of the Oltre il Muro project, and the second is open to everyone and split over two days, Thursday 6th and Friday 7th July. The second workshop will be held at Mediateca La Cappella Underground in via Roma 19, Trieste. You can book a place by writing to



Roberto Pischiutta aka. Pivio is one of the main Italian film music composers currently with 70 musical creations that have accompanied Italian cinema from the 90’s until now. The composer will be in Trieste from Thursday 6th to Friday 7th July where he will hold two master classes, the first in the Casa Circondariale for the participants of the Oltre il Muro project. The second master class is open to all at the Mediateca La Cappella Underground in via Roma 19, Trieste. You can book a place by writing to

Thursday 6th July will also see the projection of his short film It’s Fine Anyway in Piazza Verdi that is to be introduced by Pivio himself.




Sunday 2nd July will see the projection of Diario Blu(e) by Titta Cosetta Raccagni at the Ariston Cinema, a delicate animated story based on the  director’s conscience when it comes to her sexuality. Retracing her own autobiography, Titta Cosetta Raccagni revisits the nowadays out of use practise of diary writing and the discovery of this, using the language of animation. David Zotti, Responsabile Scuola di Arcigay Trieste, stated that the short is very significant as it reflects the many stories that the volunteers tell to students and the questions that arise during the project, A scuola per conoscerci, financed by the FVG region and brought forward in 9 years of public schools. Due to the delicateness and sensibility of the story the association has decided to give its support to ShorTS and repeat the short in future meetings for the initiative.  The projection at the Ariston Cinema will be followed by a debate.




Monday 3rd July at 7pm in the Ariston Cinema will see the projection of Triestine director Erika Rossi’s last documentary, an intense and touching story tied to the Resistance and their territory. The film has been presented in the line-up at Nyon in France at the last season of Visions du Réel. The protagonist of the film, Lorena, after the death of her mother, finds a diary written during the Great War belonging to her. An amazing discovery for the daughter, now a psychotherapist, who believed her father to be a hero of the Resistance. The ‘fil rouge’ of this docufilm is the diary, with its intimate, poetic and reflexive yet at the same time clear, unsettling and often provocative writing.



For some years ShorTS has hosted a section of shorts directed to an age group between 8 and 13 years old. The short films have been selected by the young Tommaso Gregori.

The section is judged by a specialized panel called the “giuria dei 101”, the youngsters who would like to may participate with works that have been submitted by their parents, having compiled the appropriate form which can be found at .

EstEnergy and Hera Comm are partners and supporters of this section which will be projected on Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th July at the Ariston Cinema starting at 6pm.



The Jungian society, with a special appearance from one of its principal components, Murray Stein, will reunite in Trieste on Friday 7th July at the Miela Theatre for a round table on the comparison of methods of treatment which will be presided over by the journalist Rula Jebreal. The meeting will be introduced by a film which is dear to the Prize managers: Spirits of the Rocks by Peter Amman who will be in Trieste, and will also bring his experiences as an assistant to Federico Fellini. At the meeting/debate we will then follow on with the local preview of the documentary film L’Accademia della Follia, in collaboration with Approdi. Rotte Artistiche Senza Bussola 2017, in the presence of the director Anush Hamzehian and the successive conferment, the evening of the 8th July, of the Mercurius Prize for a film that corresponds to the values of Junghian psychology and that is distinctive for its’ particular psychological profundity and relevance.



Also continuing in 2017 the Oltre il Muro project that brings cinema professionals to the Casa Circondariale in Trieste: this year the film music composer, Pivio and the documentary makers D’Anolfi and Parenti will make their way through the doors. On Friday the 7th July the guests of the Casa Circondariale will assign the award for the best short film from the line up of the Maremetraggio section.



ShorTS has partnered up with the British Encounters Film Festival (Bristol) and projects a selection of the best short films which have been proposed by this important overseas festival. The guests will then return the favour in September with the courtesy of projecting a selection of films chosen by ShorTS. The exhibition is backed by the British Film Club Trieste.



A special meeting in the presence of Doctor Paolo Masini is taking place in Trieste. Doctor Paolo Masini is the advisor of the Ministro per i Beni e le Attività Culturali Dario Franceschini (Dario Franceschini Ministry for Cultural Goods and Activities), that will deliver a special mention to the project Le Afriche delle nostre pianure. It will also be an occasion for presenting three more projects that are distinctive for their artistic value for not having been financed by the state. It will follow a meeting called Produco quando voglio. O smetto? held by Maurizio Di Rienzo in which writers and producers will participate and will be an opportunity to welcome to Trieste the directors who we have hosted at the festival in the past, making a point on the state of Italian cinema, the legislative situation and the future of the sector.



For years Trieste has been the set for fiction and film production that has had great results on a national level. To enrich the local touristic offering during ShorTS, night time walks organized by the Casa del Cinema will be taking place in the most impressive places seen in the past few years on the big and the small screen. This way the most celebrated scenes from successful films or fiction such as Il Ragazzo Invisibile or La Porta Rossa can be revived through the lens and through Virtours technology. In order to participate you have until 12pm the day before the trip to book by calling +39 339 453 5962 or emailing Leading the walks is the film critic Nicola Falcinella and the journalist Elisa Grando.



The award ceremony will be held at the Alinari Image Museum on Saturday 8th July at the Bastione Fiorito of Castello di San Giusto starting at 8pm, giving participants the opportunity to visit the Robert Capa in Italia show produced by the Fratelli Alinari along with the Museo Nazionale Ungherese. A show dedicated to the years of the second World War in Italy, with original photos and projections, multimedia stations and interactives to contextualize and facilitate the understanding of the work of the great photo-reporter.



The grand closing event on Saturday 8th July, in collaboration with Cinemazero and Le Giornate del Cinema Muto di Pordenone, and with the support of EstEnergy and Hera Comm, will be the projection of the silent film Show People, one of the cornerstones of brilliant 20’s comedy signed by the great director King Vidor, with a parade of stars of the époque playing themselves: Charlie Chaplin, John Gilbert, Douglas Fairbanks, Mae Murray, William Hart and many others. The film will be accompanied by the live band, ZeroOrchestra from Pordenone. The ensemble was created by the Cinemazero initiative and has done many successful performances. Therefore to accompany this outstanding piece of cinema, playing in Piazza Verdi we will have Guenter Buchwald (conductor and pianoforte) followed by himself and Mirko Cisilino (trombone), Luca Grizzo (percussion), Didier Ortolan (clarinet and saxophone), Gaspare Pasini (saxophone), Romano Todesco (double bass), Luigi Vitale (vibraphone and xylophone).



Just like every year the projections of the Maremettraggio section will take place in the Piazza Verdi.

The projections for Nuove Impronte, l’Omaggio a D’Anolfi e Parenti and the projections for Sweets4Kids will however take place at the Ariston Cinema, on via Romolo Gessi 14.

The musical Masterclass by Pivio and the cinematic documentary workshop by D’Anolfi and Parenti will Take place at the Mediateca La Cappella Underground in via Roma 19.

The projection of the Accademia della Follia will take place at the Miela Theatre, piazza Duca degli Abruzzi, 3. The 24H SHORTS COMIC COMPETITION will take place at the Castello di San Giusto.

The meeting for the production Produco quando voglio. O smetto? will take place at the Sala Bobi Bazlen at the Palazzo Gopcevich, via G. Rossini, 4.


ShorTS has been made possible thanks to the contribution of the Direzione Generale per il Cinema MIBACT, Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia with the department of Attività Produttive and the Assessorato alla Cultura, Comune di Trieste, Fondazione Casali, AcegasApsAmga, with the support of Crèdit Agricole FriulAdria, the award and event partners HeraComm and EstEnergy, in collaboration with TriesteEstate, Casa del Cinema, Ariston Cinema, Mediateca La Cappella Underground, Trieste Film Festival, Teatro Instabile Miela, the award partners Bakel, Trieste Caffè, SNCCI, ANAC, AGICI, AMC, Premiere Film, Studio Universal, Makinarium, with the participation of Arcigay Arcolabaleno Onlus Trieste Gorizia, British Film Club Trieste, Lab 80 Film. The Great Britain Focus is in collaboration with Encounters. The event partners are Eliotecnoservice, Grafite, Neopolis and Trudi. The official suppliers are It’s Watch, Giada, Marco Cecchini, Caffè Verdi, Hotel Colombia, Container_120, Viezz, Urban Homy, Borsa Trieste and Alinari Image Museum. The media partners are the daily paper of Trieste Il Piccolo, Radioattività, Film4Life, TaxiDrivers,, Cinema4Stelle, Fabrique du Cinema.


Claudio Giovannesi

Italia / Italy, Digital, 110′

Carcere minorile. Daphne, detenuta per rapina, si innamora di Josh, anche lui giovane rapinatore. In carcere i maschi e le femmine non si possono incontrare e l’amore è vietato: la relazione di Daphne e Josh vive solo di sguardi da una cella all’altra, brevi conversazioni attraverso le sbarre e lettere clandestine. Il carcere non è più solo privazione della libertà ma diventa anche mancanza d’amore. Fiore è il racconto del desiderio d’amore di una ragazza adolescente e della forza di un sentimento che infrange ogni legge.

A juvenile detention center. Daphne, imprisonened for robbery, is in live with Josh, who is also a young robber. In prison men and women can’t meet and love is banned: the relationship between Daphne and Josh only lives on through sightings from a cell to another, brief conversations through bars and secret letters. The prison not only deprives them of freedom, but of love too. Fiore is the tale of the desire for love of an teenage girl and of the strength of a sentiment that breaks every law.

sceneggiatura / screenplay

Claudio Giovannesi, Filippo Gravino, Antonella Lattanzi

fotografia / cinematographer

Daniele Ciprì

montaggio / editing

Giuseppe Trepiccione

musica / music

Claudio Giovannesi, Andrea Moscianese, Ala Bianca Group Srl

suono / sound

Angelo Bonanni

costumi / costume designer

Olivia Bellini

scenografia / set decoration

Daniele Frabetti


Daphne Scoccia, Josciua Algeri, Laura Vasiliu, Aniello Arena, Gessica Giulianielli, Klea Marku, Francesca Riso, Valerio Mastandrea.

genere / genre


produzione / production

Pupkin Production, IBC Movie, Rai Cinema

distribuzione / distribution

BIM Distribuzione