[:it]Tutte le anime del mio corpo

Erika Rossi

Italia, Slovenia / Italy, Slovenia 2016, HD, 58’


Una donna trova il diario di sua madre scritto durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale e scopre chi fosse veramente. Un viaggio nella storia personale di una famiglia, la relazione  tra una madre a una figlia, i segreti nascosti e le ragioni delle scelte compiute. Ma anche un viaggio nella storia, di un’Italia capace di resistere, di un passato che sembra lontano, ma che, in realtà, è ancora vicino.

After finding her mother’s war diary written during II WW, a daughter discovers who she really was. A journey into the personal history of a family, the relationship between a mother and a daughter, the secrets that you keep and the reasons why you do it. But also a journey into history, that of an Italy able to resist, of a past that seems distant but is little more than yesterday.

sceneggiatura / screenplay

Erika Rossi

fotografia / cinematographer

Michele Codarin, Erika Rossi

montaggio / editing

Beppe Leonetti

musica / music

Francesco Serra

suono / sound

Francesco Scarel. Michele Traina

genere / genre

Documentario / Documentary

produzione / production

Quasar Multimedia, Casablanca film production, RTV Slovenia

Diario Blu(e)

Titta Cosetta Raccagni

Italia / Italy 2016, HD, 27′


Sono gli anni ’90: la Guerra del Golfo, l’imporsi sulla scena politica italiana della Lega Nord, la scomparsa del Pci, le (dis)avventure dell’Inter. Intanto per radio passa Smells Like Teen Spirit dei Nirvana. Ma se si è adolescenti tutto è tangenziale rispetto al reale cuore delle cose: diventare se stessi. Una trasformazione che coincide con i primi innamoramenti difficili e disperati, per tutti, ma sicuramente di più per chi capisce di non essere conforme a ciò che la società indica come norma. Sessualità, gender, ragazza-ragazzo o…? L’artista Titta Cosetta Raccagni, ripercorrendo la propria autobiografia, restituisce gli umori di un’età disperata, ma anche una pratica forse perduta per sempre. Il diario sentimentale di un coming out e la faticosa scoperta di sé.

It’s the 90’s: The Gulf War, the force of Lega Nord in Italian political scene, the disappearance of the PCI, the (mis)adventures of the Inter. In the meantime Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit plays on the radio. But if one is a teenager then all this is tangential when compared to the real concern: becoming themselves. This is one transformation that coincides with that first difficult and desperate love, for everyone, but surely more for those who understand that do not conform to what society perceives as the norm. Sexuality, gender, girl-boy or…? The artist Titta Cosetta Raccagni, in retracing her own autobiography, brings back the humour of a desperate age, but also a practice, possibly lost forever. The sentimental diary of a coming out and the tiring discovery of oneself.

sceneggiatura / screenplay

Titta Cosetta Raccagni, Barbara Stimoli

montaggio / editing

Titta Cosetta Raccagni

suono / sound

Francesca De Isabella


Alice Raffaelli

genere / genre

Animazione / Animation

produzione / production

Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio



DISNEY ITALY presents to the ShorTS International Film Festival


By Marco Spagnoli


In anticipation of the arrival of the new Disney Pixar feature film Cars 3 to Italian cinemas on the 14th September, the newly signed production from the Walt Disney Company Italia Motori Ruggenti will be presented in Trieste in a big pre-opening event on Friday 30th June at 9 30pm.

Motori Ruggenti, written and directed by Marco Spagnoli, is a winning project that celebrates the all Italian passion for cars, an antique and profound liaison recounted through direct testimonies by a series of exceptional protagonists.

The documentary covers 95 years of speed through repertoire images in a crescendo of stories and testimonies, starting at the foundation in Italy in 1922 of the first motorway in the world.

Motori Ruggenti is a journey exploring the Italian passion for cars and the importance that this has had, not only on pop culture, but on the modernization and industrialization of our country. A long route through a century: finding our roots in an unforgettable and spectacular past created by visionaries, champions, engineers and mechanics, we see a future integrated with technology where, to dominate planning, there is design, security and respect for the environment.

The narrator of this long love story is Massimiliano Manfredi. He follows different contributors throughout the documentary: Giancarlo FisichellaIvan CapelliFabio ConcatoAlessandro D’Alatri,  Matilda De AngelisGiovanna Di RausoSabrina FerilliEdoardo LeoMaria LeitnerGianfranco MazzoniFederico PaoliniEmanuele PirroMichele RossiMatteo RoverePrisca TaruffiFabio TroianoRolando RavelloAlessandro RojaDaniele Vicari, along with historic and expert interventions of the sector, they join us in this pioneering Italian passion for cars throughout the various eras.


A story in which we will also see the influence that Disney animation has had on Italy, from the legendary 500 ‘Topolino’ all the way to Saetta McQueen, the most famous and beloved character in the world of Cars. ‘Cars’ is the first, unique animation franchise to be set in Italy and to have had some Italian characters as its protagonists. In the documentary there are also the valuable contributions of John Lasseter (Director and Chief Creative Officer at Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios) and Brian Fee the director of Cars 3 who appear in the documentary sharing their love for Italian cars and their passion for driving, explaining how Italian culture has contributed to making the film Cars.

The projection will be further embellished with the collaboration of the Triestine auto-motorists club that will prepare a special exposition of cars throughout time in Piazza Verdi.


Motori Ruggenti

A production from The Walt Disney Group Italy

In Association with Top Ten Group

Photography by Niccòlo Palomba

Editing by Jacopo Reale, Mauro Rodari

Music by Max di Carlo

Produced by Sergio Talia for TopTenGroup

Written and Directed by Marco Spagnoli

Archive Materials Istituto Luce – Cinecittá


Cars 3

Official Italian Trailer 



Social Network





Cars 3

Caught off guard by a new generation of racing cars, the legendary Saetta McQueen is forced to retire from the sport that she loves. To get back on track she needs to seek out the help of Cruz Ramirez, a young race car expert with a deep desire to win, and will rediscover the teachings of her late mentor Hudson Hornet: her journey will be full of unexpected turns. To prove that the number 95 still possesses the stuff of champions, Saetta will have to compete in the biggest racing event, the Piston Cup.


The Walt Disney Company

The Walt Disney Company is a varicoloured leader in the family entertainment market and is active in 5 sectors: Media Networks, Parks and Resorts, Studios, Consumer Products and Interactive. The Walt Disney Company Italy, founded in 1938, was the first international Disney affiliation in the world. They have offices in Milan, which are distinguished for their creativity in the production of artistic, editorial, televised content, and for their work focussing on the following business areas: television, home entertainment, cinema and licensing for consumer products. The Disney brand has always had a strong affinity with Italian culture and in fact its’ perceived value in our country is one of the highest in the world. The Italians love the magic of Disney: they confirm the extremely high recorded data taken every time Disney is broadcast on television and the success of the Disney brand coupled with the creativity of leading Italian companies.

Disney Italy is also active in the community, collaborating with schools, hospitals, museums, local organizations, focussing on 4 areas: Community Engagement, Healthy Living, Creative Thinking and Conserving Nature. In 2016 along with Medicinema and Policlinico Gemelli of Rome, Disney Italy inaugurated the first cinema room within the Italian hospital structure and supported it using their very own Disney catalogue. Pixar launches the goodwill initiative ‘relief therapy’ for hospitalized patients and their families.


The Walt Disney Company provides support to VoluntEARS, the voluntary programme, in which their employees participate, that from 1983 to today, in 42 countries, they dedicated 7.7 million hours to this initiative.


Upwelling – La risalita delle acque profonde

Silvia Jop, Pietro Pasquetti

Italia / Italy, 2016, Digital, 77′

Tra i frammenti di una città ricostruita sopra alle macerie di un disastro, nell’eco di una catastrofe che non si è mai del tutto consumata, Upwelling, un’onda che nasce dal fondo del mare, porta gli abissi in superficie. In un’apparizione continua di personaggi che si muovono come satelliti di un universo vivo e inaspettato, si raccolgono i tentativi di resistenza e di rivitalizzazione che sfuggono alle consuetudini storiche di una città deteriorata e immobile. Siamo a Messina, una città che è stata completamente ricostruita a seguito di una delle più devastanti catastrofi naturali del Novecento. In Upwelling è costante la ricerca di una relazione tra il concetto di catastrofe e quello di risalita.

Between the fragments of a city reconstructed after the massacre of a disaster, in the aftermath of an all consuming catastrophe, Upwelling, a wave born from the depths of the sea, brings the oceanic abyss to the surface. In a continuous apparition of characters, who move like satellites from a living and unexpecting universe, Upwelling portrays their attempts at resistence and revitalization in the hopes of escaping the historical customs of a deteriorated and immobile city. We are in Messina, a city that has been completely reconstructed following one of the most devestating natural disasters of the 90’s. In Upwelling there is a constant search to find the relationship between catastophe and aftermath.

sceneggiatura / screenplay

Silvia Jop, Pietro Pasquetti

fotografia / cinematographer

Pietro Pasquetti

montaggio / editing

Gianandrea Caruso

musica / music

Sacri Cuori

scenografia / set decoration

Riccardo Fidenzi

genere / genre

Documentario / Documentary

produzione / production

Aki Film

I tempi felici verranno presto

Alessandro Comodin

Italia, Francia / Italy, France 2016, Digital, 102’

Prima Tommaso e Arturo, poi Ariane. Tre ragazzi diversi, due epoche diverse, due conflitti diversi, ma l’urgenza e sempre la stessa: fuggire. Lasciarsi alle spalle il mondo, spezzare le regole, tentare di ribellarsi allo stato delle cose. I tempi felici verranno presto, declinando le sfumature della parola “fuga” e immergendole totalmente nella natura, ci racconta una favola. Una favola buia dove sogno e verità si confondono, dove storia e metafora si rincorrono, dove incontriamo boschi e lupi, bellezza e morte, guerre collettive e guerre individuali, evasioni e prigioni.

First Tommaso and Arturo, then Ariane. Three different youngsters, two different eras, two different conflicts, but the aim is always the same: to escape. Leaving it in the hands of the world, breaking the rules, rebelling against the state of things. I tempi felici verranno presto explores the meaning of the word “escape” and is completely immersed in nature: it is a re-telling of a fable. A dark fable where dreams and truth are confounded, where stories and metaphor are chased, where we are confronted with woods and wolves, beauty and death, collective wars and individual battles, evasion and imprisonment.

sceneggiatura / screenplay

Alessandro Comodin, Milena Magnani

fotografia / cinematographer

Tristan Bordmann

montaggio / editing

Joao Nicolau, Alessandro Comodin

suono / sound

Mirko Guerra

costumi / costume designer

Patrizia Mazzon

scenografia / set decoration

Valentina Ferroni, Mario Scarzella


Sabrina Seyvecou, Erikas Sizonovas, Luca Bernardi

genere / genre


produzione / production

Okta Film, Shellac Sud con Rai Cinema

distribuzione / distribution

Tucker Film

Sagre Balere

Alessandro Stevanon

Italia / Italy 2017, 4K, 75’

La storia del carismatico Omar e della sua orchestra raccontata durante la loro tournée, tra feste di piazza e sale da ballo, attraverso regioni e province del Nord Italia. Un road movie scandito dalle voci della più famosa radio italiana dedicata al mondo della musica da ballo e di Angelo, patron dell’emittente e ultimo re di questo fantasmagorico mondo.

The story of the charismatic Omar and his band, told throughout their tour, at street parties and dance halls, across various regions in the North of Italy. A road movie recounted by the most famous Italian radio dedicated to ballroom music, with Angelo, its boss and last “king” of this sparkling world.

fotografia / cinematographer

Alessandro Stevanon

montaggio / editing

Fabio Bianchini Pepegna

musica / music

Raffaele D’Anello

suono / sound

Giovanni Corona

genere / genre

Documentario / Documentary

produzione / production

La Fournaise

Il più grande sogno

Michele Vannucci

Italia / Italy 2016, Digital, 97’

A 39 anni Mirko è appena uscito dal carcere: fuori, nella periferia di Roma, lo aspetta un futuro da inventare. Quando viene eletto presidente del comitato di quartiere decide di sognare un’esistenza diversa. Non solo per sé e per la propria famiglia, ma anche per tutta la borgata in cui vive. Questo film è la storia di un sogno fragile e irrazionale, capace di regalare un futuro a chi non credeva di meritarsi neanche un presente.

At 39 Mirko is about to be released from prison: in the outskirts of Rome, he waits for his chance to re-invent his future. When he is elected as the president of the comittee of the district he begins to dream of a different life. Not just for him and his family but also for the townspeople where he lives. This film is the story of a fragile and irrational dream, capable of creating a future for those who didn’t even believe they deserved a present.

sceneggiatura / screenplay

Anita Otto, Michele Vannucci

fotografia / cinematographer

Matteo Vieille

montaggio / editing

Sara Zavarise

musica / music

Teho Teardo, Last Before Dinner

costumi / costume designer

Sabrina Beretta

scenografia / set decoration

Lupo Marziale


Mirko Frezza, Alessandro Borghi, Vittorio Viviani, Milena Mancini, Ivana Lotito, Ginevra De Carolis, Crystel Frezza

genere / genre


produzione / production

Kino Produzioni

distribuzione / distribution

Antani Distribuzione


Alessandro Aronadio

Italia / Italy 2016, Digital, 90’

Un uomo si sveglia un mattino con un fastidioso fischio alle orecchie. Un biglietto sul frigo recita “È morto il tuo amico Luigi. P.S. Mi sono presa la macchina”. Il vero problema è che non si ricorda proprio chi sia, questo Luigi. Tra suore invadenti e dottori sadici, star dell’hip hop filippine e fidanzate dentiste, inizia così una tragicomica giornata alla scoperta della follia del mondo, una di quelle giornate che ti cambiano per sempre.

A man wakes up one morning with an annoying buzzing sound in his ears. A note on the fridge says “Your friend Luigi has died. P.S. I took the car”. The real problem is that he can’t actually remember who Luigi was. From intrusive nuns and sadistic doctors, Philipino hip hop stars and dentist fiancés, comes a daytime tragecomedy about discovering the madness of the world on one of those days that changes your life for ever.

sceneggiatura / screenplay

Alessandro Aronadio, Valerio Cilio

fotografia / cinematographer

Francesco Di Giacomo

montaggio / editing

Roberto Di Tanna

musica / music

Santi Pulvirenti

suono / sound

Marzia Cordò, Daniela Bassani, Giancarlo Rutigliano, Stefano Grosso

costumi / costume designer

Ginevra De Carolis

scenografia / set decoration

Daniele Frabetti


Silvia D’Amico, Pamela Villoresi, Ivan Franek, Rocco Papaleo, Piera Degli Esposti, Milena Vukotic, Andrea Purgatori, Massimo Wertmüller, Francesca Antonelli, Niccolò Senni, Sonia Gessner, Paolo Giovannucci, Re Salvador, Silvana Bosi, Masaria Colucci

genere / genre


produzione / production

Biennale College Cinema

distribuzione / distribution

102 Distribution

Cuori puri

Roberto De Paolis

Italia / Italy 2017, HD, 114’


Agnese e Stefano sono molto diversi. Lei, 18 anni appena compiuti, vive con una madre dura e devota, frequenta la chiesa e sta per compiere una promessa di castità fino al matrimonio. Lui, 25 anni, è un ragazzo dal passato difficile che lavora come custode nel parcheggio di un centro commerciale confinante con un grande campo rom. Dal loro incontro nasce un sentimento vero, fatto di momenti rubati e di reciproco aiuto. Il desiderio l’uno dell’altra cresce sempre di più, fino a quando Agnese, incerta se tradire i suoi ideali, si troverà a prendere una decisione estrema e inaspettata.

Agnese and Stefano are very different. She, 18 years old, lives with a tough and devoted mother, frequenting church and determined to keep her vow of chastity until marriage. He, 25 years old, is a boy with a difficult past working as a parking attendant in a shopping centre surrounded by a large gypsy camp. From their first meeting comes true sentiment, made up of stolen moments and mutual help. The desire of one for the other continues to grow, until Agnese goes against her ideals and finds heself having to make an extreme and unexpected decision

sceneggiatura / screenplay

Roberto De Paolis, Luca Infascelli, Carlo Salsa, Greta Scicchitano

fotografia / cinematographer

Claudio Cofrancesco

montaggio / editing

Paola Freddi

musica / music

Emanuele De Raymondi

suono / sound

Angelo Bonanni

costumi / costume designer

Loredana Buscemi

scenografia / set decoration

Rachele Meliadò


Selene Caramazza, Simone Liberati, Barbora Bobulova, Stefano Fresi, Edoardo Pesce, Antonella Attili, Federico Pacifici, Isabella delle Monache

genere / genre


produzione / production

Young Films, Rai Cinema

distribuzione / distribution

Cinema srl



Babylonia Mon Amour

Pierpaolo Verdecchi

Italia, Spagna / Italy, Spain 2017, Digital, 72’

Il documentario narra le vicende di un gruppo di senegalesi che, per motivi economici, si ritrovano a vivere in un sobborgo d’Europa ormai in crisi. Il gruppo è eterogeneo: ha occupato nella periferia di Barcellona una ex fabbrica dismessa, trasformandola in una casa. Sono tutti immigrati irregolari, per loro Barcellona non è la città da cartolina che si aspettavano alla partenza, ma una metropoli complessa, escludente e controllata. Vivono di espedienti, qualcuno ricicla il ferro, altri riparano le reti dei pescatori, altri si dedicano allo spaccio di strada.

The documentary follows the story of a group of Sengalese people who, for financial reasons, end up going to live in a European suburb in crisis. The group is heterogenous: they took up residence in the outskirts of Barcelona in an abandoned old factory, transforming it into a house. They are all unusual immigrants, for them Barcelona is not the post card city that they expected when they first left for it, but a complex metropolis, excluding and controlling. Their lives are a joke: someone recycles metal, others repair fishing nets, others traffic drugs.

sceneggiatura, fotografia / screenplay, cinematographer

Pierpaolo Verdecchi

montaggio / editing

Fabio Toich

suono / sound

Francesco Morosini

genere / genre

Documentario / Documentary

produzione / production

OPS!Film, Cinètica Producciones