La determinazione dei generi

Italia / Italy 2008, DigiBeta, Dolby, col., 8′
Un sabato, tre amici all’ultimo anno delle superiori decidono quasi per gioco di buttarsi alla conquista della più carina della classe ma al ritorno a scuola, dopo quel fine settimana, niente sarà più lo stesso. Read more

Rambo e Milena

Italia / Italy 2010, 35mm, Dolby Sr
In uno scenario di guerra surreale, un soldato a cui non piace uccidere incontra una suicida che non riesce a decidersi. Read more


Italia / Italy 2013, 16′
La giovane e affascinante Veruska fa perdere la testa a tutti i vicini di casa. Tratto dal romanzo “A ogni costo, l’amore” di Laura Calosso (Oscar Mondadori) e girato ad Asti, il corto è stato realizzato nell’ambito del progetto culturale Genius Urbis (vedi Read more

Carne tremula

Spagna, Francia / Spain, France 1997, 35mm, col., 100′
Five characters and one city, Madrid. Victor, born 20 years earlier in a bus, shows up in Heléna’s home, with whom he had his first sexual relationship. But Heléna is waiting for a pusher and tells him to leave. Enraged, Victor wrestles the gun from her; in the process Elena gets knocked out, and the gun goes off. The shot draw the attention of a neighbor, who calls the police: thus two police men arrive and from the struggling one of the two, David, remains injured from a bullet shoot by his colleague’s gun (Sancho). Therefore, Victor is accused for this criminal action. Two years later Victor, coming out of jail, has a relationship with Sancho’s wife and then with Heléna, meanwhile married with David.[:] Read more

Il dolce rumore della vita

Italia / Italy 1999, 35mm, col., 92′
Sofia is a young and unexperienced actress. She finds out that Bruno, her beloved acting teacher,is a homosexual. Broken-hearted, she decides to run away from him and jumps on a train. There she meets a girl who gives birth to her child and then abandons him. Sofia takes a decision that will change her life: she takes the child with her and pretends he’s her son, naming him Bruno. Five years later she meets her former teacher at the rearsals of a show and raises in him the suspicion that the child is his. Another ten years later, Sofia, who is now a successful actress, meets by chance Bruno’s real mother. She realizes that the time has come to let her meet the son she abandoned.[:] Read more

Il papà di Giovanna

Italia / Italy 2008, 35mm, col., 104′
Bologna, 1938. Michele Casali is in a desperate situation. Giovanna, his only daughter and still a teenager, killed out of jealousy her classmate and best friend. The upper-class environment of which they’re part of, is shook up with emotion and disbelief. The girl manages to avoid prison, but she is declared clinically insane and confined in a psychiatric hospital in Reggio Emilia. There she will stay up until the age of 24 (1945). During this time of isolation, her father, who has moved to Reggio from Bologna where he taught art at the “Liceo Galvani”, is the only person who takes care of her. Giovanna is a girl with serious mental issues, and she looks a lot like her father. Since when she was little, Michele would always try to reassure her and help her overcome her weaknesses by teaching her to demand anything she wanted from anybody.[:] Read more

Io amo Andrea

Italia / Italy 2000, 35mm, Dolby digital, col., 95′
Dado is a 40 year old divorced vet. Following a car accident, Dado meets Francesca, an unsettled young girl he spends a passionate night with. However Dado finds out that Francesca is already sentimentally involved with Andrea… an other woman! Andrea is a charming engineer, who in not willing to giving up on Francesca. This is the reason why Dado and Francesca meet in secret for a while, until she decides to leave. At this point Dado starts spending time with Andrea and they become good friends, until they fall in love and go live together, on the occasion of Dado’s ex-wife Rossana’s wedding. Subsequently Andrea proposes having a baby, in a nontraditional way. Dado opposes at first, but then he changes his mind.[:] Read more

La cena per farli conoscere

Italia / Italy 2006, 35mm, Dolby Digital, col., 99′
Sandro Lanza, an actor, is living the most complicated period in his life. Today, ten years later, he no longer has the leading role in the tv series in which he is starred. His presence has been severely reduced and he is by now only an extra. After overtaking a cosmetic surgery which doesn’t go very well, he attempts a self-proclaimed suicide, trying to draw the media’s attention to himself. In the hospital, he is visited by his three daughters, whom he had with different women and that now live scattered all over Europe. Until that moment, their relationship was almost non-existant. They have an idea: to have their father meet, whom they believe to be the right person for him and who is unlike anyone he has ever met. Alma Kero is a real woman, smart, educated, independent, reassuring…[:] Read more


Italia / Italy 1998, 35mm, col., 102′
Giulia (Francesca Neri) is married to an architect from Bologna (Diego Abatantuono) and has two adolescent sons. She is a perfectionist, but one day she takes too many tasks upon herself and she eventually breaks out. On Christmas Eve she jumps on a train to Trani (Bari), in the south of Italy. Herescape will have serious consequences on an already devasted family.[:] Read more

Pensavo fosse amore… invece era un calesse

Italia / Italy 1991, Panoramico XXX, col., 106′
Tommaso is a restaurateur, Cecilia owns a bookshop nearby, they live together and they seem in love. However on the eve of their wedding, organised by Amedeo, a Tommaso’s intellectual friend, she refuses to get married, accusing Tommaso of laziness and betrayals. Tommaso is overcome with grief, he waffles on with Amedeo, ignores the crush his friend’s sister, Chiara, who tries to poison him for love, has on him and, when he finds out that his ex -fiancée has a relationship with an other man, Enea, he consults a witch. At the end the protagonists come back together and restart organising the wedding again, however on the wedding day Tommaso does not show up. He sends a letter to Cecilia asking her to meet in a bar, where she arrives wearing her wedding dress. Here he tells her that men and women are not made for getting married.[:] Read more