Paolo Gallina

La mente liquida. Come le macchine condizionano, modificano o potenziano il cervello.

Edizioni Dedalo

Thanks to neuroplasticity, every time we interact with the environment and with machines, our neurons change: they become stronger or atrophied, they activate new connections or interrupt existing ones. The structure of the brain is like a liquid, viscous matter, capable of reshaping. Given that today many environmental stimuli come from technology which fit into our daily habits, the relationship between mind and machines has become fundamental. Thanks to active research in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence, Paolo Gallina, professor of Robotics at the University of Trieste, mixes scientific results and everyday experiences with balance and irony, helping us understand the conscious and unconscious mechanisms with which the mind becomes conditioned, helped or even “violated” by machines.

Federica Angeli

A mano disarmata


Two shots in the night, the windows that open and immediately after a cry: “All inside, the show is over!” We are in Ostia, in 2013, and among the inhabitants of those buildings is Federica Angeli, reporter for the Roman pages of “la Repubblica”, who was born and raised in the outskirts. She has been dealing with local gangs for some time and has suffered serious threats. She knows therefore how fear works, but she believes that the other face of fear is courage. The neighbors return obediently to the boss’ command, she decides to report what she saw. From that day her life is turned upside down: for her safety she is assigned an escort, yet no intimidation waves her faith and her struggle for legality.