La fotografia

The New York construction workers depicted in the famous photography by Meyer in 1932 are tired of being considered icons. They meet various characters, to whom they express their dissatisfaction at begin “blocked” in the celebrated shot…

Director: Dario Casetti
Screenplay: Riccardo Gallia, Daniela Multari, Dario Casetti
Photography: Paolo Acquadro
Sound: Daniele Mosca
Cast: M. Fassina, A. Albertino, G. Travostino, P. Verrastro, I. Gariazzo, A. Biondi, M. Pecchio
Production: Giacomo Chiorino, via Trassati, 13814 Pollone (Biella) Italy – Tel. +39-015-2522747
Lenght: 10’


The New York construction workers depicted in the famous photography by Meyer in 1932 are tired of being considered icons. They meet various characters, to whom they express their dissatisfaction at begin “blocked” in the celebrated shot. They decide to ruin forever that disturbing image frozen in time.

Dario Casetti (Vercelli, 1969) lives in Biella. In 1994 he graduated Turin University in Film History and Criticism whit a thesis on Stanley Kubrik. In 1997 he tought film history and criticism at the Università Popolare Subalpina in Biella.

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