Corallino section competition

The Corallino competition of the Festival's fifth edition is open to all Italian junior high schools and high schools.



The “Corallino” Prize for the best film shot by an Italian junior high school or high school has been organized within the framework of the Maremetraggio Festival.

The schools interested in participating can submit their film shorts of no more than 10 minutes either in VHS or DVD to Associazione Maremetraggio, Via Pozzo del Mare, 1 – 34121 Trieste, no later than May 30, 2004. The copy of the film short sent for the competition will not be returned.

A special Committee composed of a representative of the Italian Education, University and Research Ministry, the President of the Maremetraggio Association, a representative of Agiscuola, a junior high school teacher and a high school teacher will judge all of the works and award one prize for junior high schools and one prize for high schools.

The schools to have won the prize can send to Trieste a delegation of students (maximum of 5) accompanied by a teacher, who will be offered free hospitality for two days and two nights during the Maremetraggio Festival.

During their stay at the festival the students belonging to the winning schools can attend the press conferences and all of the screenings and meet the personalities from the world of show business during the festival.

Students who have not reached the age of consent require the authorization of the person having parental authority.
The “Corallino” Prize will be awarded during the Festival's final award ceremony on July 10, 2004.

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