Dream work

A woman goes to bed, falls asleep, and begins to dream. This dream takes her to a landscape of light and shadow, evoked in a form only possible through classical cinematography.


Regia: Peter Tscherkssky
Sceneggiatura: Peter Tscherkssky
Musica: Kiawash Saheb Nassagh
Produzione: Peter Tscherkssky, Wollzeile 21/22, 1010 Vienna – Austria. Tel. +43.15135157
Durata: 11’
Formato: 35 MM

Una donna va a letto, si addormenta, e comincia a sognare. Il sogno la trasporta in una dimensione di luci e ombre, un chiaroscuro che solo la cinematografia classica può rievocare.

Peter Tscherkssky: è nato a Vienna nel 1958. Dal 1979 al 1984 ha vissuto a Berlino. Ha studiato filosofia laureandosi con la tesi: “Film come Arte. Verso una Critica Estetica della Cinematografia” (1985/86). Insegna creazione cinematografica all’Accademia di Arti Applicate a Linz e Vienna. E’ membro fondatore della Sixpack Film. Dal 1984 ha tenuto numerose conferenze sulla storia e teoria dei film d’avanguardia. Nel 1993 e nel 1994 è stato direttore artistico del festival annuale del cinema austriaco “Diagonale”. Ha scritto il libro “Peter Kubelka” (1995). Gira film dal 1979.

ENGLISH VERSIONA woman goes to bed, falls asleep, and begins to dream. This dream takes her to a landscape of light and shadow, evoked in a form only possible through classical cinematography.

Peter Tscherkssky was born in 1958 in Vienna, Austria. He lived in Berlin in 1979-84 and studied philosophy. Doctoral thesis: “Film as Art. Towards a Critical Aesthetics of Cinematografhy” (1985/86). He teaches film-making at the Acedmies of Applied Arts in Linz and Vienna, and is a founding member of Sixpack Film. He organized several international avant-garde film festivals in Vienna and film tours abroad. Since 1984 he has produced numerous publications and lectures on the history and theory of avant-garde film. 1993 and 1994 he was the artistic director of the annual Austrian film festival “Diagonale”. He was the editor of the book “Peter Kubelka” (1995), and has been making films since 1979.


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